Illegal Cafe
Matthew Granger

Why I made Illegal Cafe

I recently hosted a guest for a weekend. Someone I know from a previous employer. He stayed at my abode in my guest bedroom, a living arrangement I'm not particularly used to. I prefer to reserve my home as my "safe haven," isolated from outside guests.

I don't much like to host guests, to be honest. It's a level of vulnerability I'm not comfortable with. It's not that I hate people. I simply find myself content with my own company.

In these two paragraphs alone, you've probably built up a reasonable image of my lifestyle. I'm not a social butterfly by any stretch. In fact, I've spent many years on my own. Not exactly friendless, but with everyone at a distance.

When in the presence of others, I do my best to ask meaningful questions about them. About their lives. About their beliefs. About what makes them tick.

I often don't find the same courtesy extended in return. This particular guest was no different. They made every effort to plan some activities for us to do, which I appreciated. But, they made no meaningful effort to reach into who I am.

I realize, as I write this, that I probably sound like a frustrated teen. Indeed, I sometimes feel like one. I assure you I am not. A teen, anyway - I am frustrated.

Get to the point

Sorry, I'm not accustomed to writing about myself or my thoughts. And that apology is exactly the purpose of this website. To dictate my thoughts and feelings to the void of the internet as a nameless, faceless individual.

No expectations.

Just writing.

So why did I mention that I had a guest? Twofold - to explain that I don't particularly like guests, and also to introduce the following topic:


It's COVID 2020. Everyone's locked indoors. The USA just had an important national election, and the nation is still divided.

Whilst hosting my guest, I felt that same divide between us. He often expressed frustration and annoyance with Donald Trump. He referred to him as "a piece of shit," and many other rather impolite names.

No one deserves to be called "a piece of shit." Who does that serve?

It doesn't serve you in making your point. It will simply shut down the interest and good-will of those who disagree with you.

It doesn't serve your interlocutor. If they disagree, it'll only serve to frustrate them. If they agree, you'll create an echo-chamber for yourselves, blocking yourselves from other valuable points of view.

By attacking a person, you distract from their ideas. I'm not in the business of defending Trump's policies, but I don't think that attacking Trump himself moves the puck down the field.

Concluding Statement

This post obviously wasn't well thought-out. I'm writing whatever comes to mind in free form.

Politics are a centerpiece of American lives. That's a good thing. Active participation in politics by those who are ruled by it was the entire point of the founding of America to begin with.

However, when politics becomes rife with those who are more interested and excited by the prospect of tearing down individuals on the "other side" rather than individual policy decisions, we have a problem.

I hope to discuss this more in future posts. Interesting, taboo topics such as:

  • Economics
  • Abortion
  • Premarital Sex
  • Technology and Progress
  • Masculinity and Femininity
  • Dating
